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Privacy statement

I will only process personal data necessary to manage the services provided on the web site

Traffic analytics (including IP addresses) will to some extent be used to develop the website and services to provide the best possible services for my clients.

The lawfulness is based on the legitimate interests of Smoking Hedges Creations to develop and sell services and deliver them to the clients.

Personal data collected

Appointment booking

  • First name
  • Last name (optional)
  • Email address
  • Note (optional)

My clients’ personal data will be deleted from the booking system after approximately 1 year’s inactivity.

Private clients’ data will never be used for any other purpose than managing bookings.

Business clients’ email adresses will – on rare occasions – be used for informative emails about new, changed or discontinued services on

The business email addresses can be kept on the mailing list for up to 5 years. If you want to opt out of this email list, please contact me.

Sensitive personal data doesn’t collect or process sensitive (a.k.a. special categories of) personal data.

Please don’t enter any sensitive data anywhere when you interact with


I use Google Analytics to learn how the website is used, so that I can continuously improve the website and my services for the benefit of my clients.

Please refer to Google’s information about data collection and processing in Google Analytics.

Security and confidentiality

Reasonable and active security measures are taken to protect personal data collected on If I become aware of a security breach, I will immediately inform all clients registered on the site at that time.

My clients’ personal data will never be shared with anyone, whatsoever.

Your rights

You can claim the right to

  • Know which personal data about you is processed at
  • Have incorrect personal data corrected.
  • Have your personal data erased from
  • Receive an export of your personal data from .

There might be som modifications connected to the rights, depending on the situation and which country you live in. However, I will aim to accommodate your wishes anyway.

Erasure of personal data can only be done after any unsettled financial conditions (e.g. payments or refunds) are sorted out.

If you want to exercise any of the rights, please contact me.