
Estimated read time 2 min read
Estimated read time 2 min read

Songwriting has been my favourite hobby for the last 25 years. I’ve always loved writing and music and found the ultimate challenge in welding meaningful lyrics with music. The moments I feel I’ve succeeded are tremendously satisfying.

Most of the time, I played safely in the singer/songwriter tradition, writing lyrics in my original language, Norwegian.

Then, I found a new home, wife, and co-writer in England. Although she’s not experienced in songwriting, she has a fabulous talent and sensitivity for the meaning of words. This has given me the confidence to finally write song lyrics in English.

I’m also experimenting more musically now, testing and combining genres and harmonies I didn’t dare to look at before.

I don’t offer songwriting as a service as such because I take songwriting personally. I could never churn out songs half-heartedly on demand for weddings and birthday parties.

However, if bands or producers out there like my songs enough to want to buy the right to record or perform them – please


I record some of my songs, to paint a picture of my intentions with them. But I call the recordings sketches. I’m not a musician, not a singer, not a producer or a studio engineer. The recordings are made with a simple use of advanced tools and limited knowledge.

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